When it comes to counterfeit goods, most people may think of handbags or sneakers, but U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents are also working to stop products that Americans put on their skin and in their bodies including makeup and pharmaceuticals.
“Always a popular gift item around Christmas, this is a counterfeit Louis Vuitton handbag,” said Thomas Heffernan, Acting Area Port Director for CBP’s Area Port of Baltimore. “Counterfeit Nike sneakers. Some Rolex watches. So, feel how light that is? It’s very light, it’s something you would get out of a gumball machine.”
These products are on many holiday wish lists, except the ones shown by Heffernan were seized by CBP and determined to be counterfeits.
“We’re looking for intellectual property right violations that would be like counterfeit goods, import safety violations, also goods that are not classified properly,” Heffernan said.
CBP seized more than 23 million products violating intellectual property rights in Fiscal Year 2023 valued at over $2.7 billion.