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Naveen Jains The Youth Formula Imagines a World Where Aging is Optional Hollywood Life [Video]

Image Credit: Naveen Jain

Today, there is an overwhelming amount of competing health advice in the media and online. Healthline, for instance, says to eat more turmeric and nuts. At the same time, the Mayo Clinic warns that nuts need to be consumed in moderation to make sure you aren’t taking in extra calories.

Most people have also heard that they should do infrared saunas to reverse aging or that longevity drugs like Metformin and Rapamycin will extend their lives. At the same time, there are diet gurus that promote plant-based foods, while others say all meat is the way. 

Then there’s exercise. Some experts say it’s more important than nutrition. Others claim we hardly need any as long as we’re smart about it. Walk 10,000 steps a day, but be careful not to overdo it, or you might injure yourself. Sleep, but not too much. Feeling stressed? Meditate! And the list goes on.

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