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New legislation could allow DC nightspots to go cashless [Video]

D.C. legislators say the goal is to help keep workers at late-night establishments safe.

WASHINGTON — The Ocean Lounge has been a staple of H Street’s nightlife for more than five years, yet criminal activity continues to dim what would otherwise be a bright spot in the District.

“You have people that are scared to come to H Street because of the crime,” says Devon Gill, who has been managing the lounge for the past eight months. “We’re trying to put positivity back out there by putting more lighting out there, stuff like that.”

Many late-night establishments on H Street are struggling with the same problem: criminals running in to snatch cash. Now some new legislation may offer a simple solution: getting rid of cash altogether.

Earlier this week, DC Councilmember Christina Henderson introduced legislation that would give these late-night establishments the option to go completely cashless, starting next year.

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