Startup Business

Oak Ridge students run manufacturing business [Video]

Wildcat Manufacturing gives students first-hand experience in manufacturing and running a business.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Students are putting on their safety glasses and firing up machines at Wildcat Manufacturing in Oak Ridge High School. 

The business run by students gives them a hands on experience in manufacturing as they learn skills like how to design parts for a machine and how to use high tech equipment. 

“High precision manufacturing is supporting every industry whether it’s aerospace, defense, nuclear, biomedical innovative startup technologies, so introducing students to be able to use the latest tools to do things with precision with speed and with quality is going to fuel any industry,” Dr. Mark Buckner, instructor for the course, said. 

While learning life skills students are also creating products for clients both locally and nationally. They also learn how to run the financials behind their work and even take home some of the …

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