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Peter Burke signs Warrants of Appointment for Char and Ordinary Members of ELRG [Video]

The Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Peter Burke, has signed Warrants of Appointment for the Chair and Ordinary Members of the Employment Law Review Group (ELRG).

The ELRG is tasked with monitoring, reviewing and advising on all aspects of employment and redundancy law, with a specific focus on promoting good workplace relations, simplifying the legal operation of employment and redundancy law in the State, and ensuring that employment rights and redundancy legislation remain relevant and up-to-date with international standards.

Following an open call in November, the Minister has appointed Professor Michael Doherty to be the Chairperson to the ELRG.

Professor Doherty was the former Head of Maynooth University’s Law School and previously chaired the LEEF High-Level Working Group on Collective Bargaining.

The Minister has also signed Warrants of Appointment for six independent Ministerial nominees as Ordinary Members of the ELRG. – Dr. Desmond Ryan, Cathy Smith, Kevin Duffy, Anne Lyne

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