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Police warn of rising scams ahead of Thanksgiving [Video]

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Nearly half of U.S. consumers say they’ve been targeted by a scam while online holiday shopping, according to a new report by Norton.

SAN DIEGO — Thanksgiving is just two weeks away and scammers are gearing up for their busiest time of the year. Local law enforcement explain how to avoid being a victim.

Whether it be an online scam or in-person, it’s better to be safe than sorry. A San Diego man recently captured a photo of a person holding a sign allegedly raising money for a funeral. Police say funeral scams are one of many popping up right now.

“We’re aware we’ve seen some of it on social media and we have heard about a couple of them directly,” said Anthony Molina, sergeant and public information officer for the Chula Vista Police Department.

He scammers may try to pull on your heart strings or make a situation feel …

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