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President Jimmy Carter continued to teach Sunday school while in the White House [Video]

Throughout his time in office, former President Jimmy Carter remained deeply committed to his Baptist faith. So much so, that he made time to teach Sunday school at a Washington, D.C., church.”What’s good and decent and honest and true and compassionate and loving. Do these things,” Carter said in a 1978 audio recording of a couple’s Sunday school class inside the First Baptist Church of Washington, D.C. “It’s always nice to come back from a two-week vacation in Camp David,” Carter said, eliciting laughter from the class. That “vacation” was actually a negotiation. Just a week earlier, Carter mediated the Camp David Accords, a historic peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. “Three different kinds of people, three different races, three different religions and a public demonstration of a commitment to peace among all people,” Carter said.The president noted that the world leaders found common ground in faith. “That was one …

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