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Rails Service Objects: How to Refactor Your Rails App [Video]

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Wondering how to refactor your Rails app using Rails service objects? Do the following:

1. Analyze the issues in your Rails code, e.g., execution of business logic in ActiveRecord models

The code in your Ruby on Rails (RoR) app might be working; however, you don’t feel the code quality is good. You feel that issues exist in your code. You foresee larger problems in the future. Therefore, you want to refactor your code.

The app might have an ActiveRecord model that’s becoming very long. Either your controller has non-REST routes, or the model code tracks session variables. 

The app might execute business logic in ActiveRecord models. Your code might not follow the single responsibility principle. Therefore, you have objects that do too much.

You might have reviewed the controller entry points. You found extra methods in controllers, which isn’t good. 

Document your findings. Build a case of refactoring. Get the required buy-in from the organizational leadership team.

2. Assess how you can use Rails …

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