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Recruiting industry executives for U.S. (and global) PE firms, ET Auto [Video]

Startup Funding

In this GlobalAutoIndustry.com Audio Interview “Recruiting Industry Executives for U.S. (and Global) PE Firms” Ron Hesse speaks with Gerald O’Dwyer. Gerald is Managing Director, as well as Managing Director Latin America, for Chicago-based Blackmore Partners, a U.S. based private equity firm. He is a Senior-level Executive, Business Leader, and Strategic Advisor with a unique depth and breadth of experience across private equity, Fortune 500 public, family owned, and VC-backed organizations in complex startup, early phase, high-growth, turnaround, and resource-mature environments. He’s a highly engaged and respected voice who draws upon a background in human behavior and communications as well as deep knowledge of capital markets, private equity, deal sourcing, talent acquisition, strategic planning, and change management as an advisor to C-level executives, boards of directors, and operating partners.

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