Starting a Business

Self publish easily, inexpensively, without delay [Video]

Writing a book is the dream of many. But romantic as it sounds, the process is not. The first of many steps is writing the book and having it ready to publish. Then the hard work begins.

With technology moving faster than we can keep pace, a growing number of authors are turning out manuscripts.  Self publishing allows authors to quickly get their books published without employing a publishing company.

The biggest differences between self-publishing vs traditional publishing are:

  1. the time it takes to publish, creative control
  2. the royalty rate paid per book

There are roughly two ways to get a book out there:

  • Traditional publishing: A publishing company helps with editing, design, printing, marketing and distribution. Upside? “All” you have to do is write (in theory), and there’s a bigger chance of ending up in brick-and-mortar book shops. Downside? You get a small piece of the financial action. (Most authors get 8-15% of revenue per book).
  • Self-publishing:The author manages the entire process: writing, editing, designing, printing, marketing and distribution. Of course, …

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