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Shelter dogs expose the softer side of the corporate world [Video]

Starting a Business

Accountants at Maravai Life Sciences assemble dog gift boxes and beds for Rancho Coastal Humane Society.

SAN DIEGO — Making a profit is critical to the success of any business, but so is the importance of employee bonding. 

In this Zevely Zone, I witnessed the softer side of corporate America in a dog-eat-dog world. 

At CBS 8 we are always ‘Working for You’ and sometimes that means not only covering stories for people but also shelter dogs in need. 

From cup stacking to rock, paper, scissors, we watched business team building lead to assembling of dog gift boxes and beds for shelter dogs. 

Employees who work in the finance and accounting departments for Maravai Life Sciences told us how good it felt to get off the corporate leash for a few hours.

“We are so excited to donate today,” said one accountant. 

“I love it, he’s so cute,” said another employee while hugging …

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