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Side Hustles or Investing? [Video]

Starting A Business From Home

Side Hustles or Investing?


Paying Off Debt or Investing?

This question is mostly asked if you reach a level where your job earned income is financially stable and have more extra that you’re not sure where to invest.
00:00 Intro
01:37 Side Hustles
03:36 Investors
05:10 Conclusion
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Paying Off Debt or Investing?
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Looking for personal mentor?
Hello Turtle Investors!
Just call me Mr. C

For security, personal details are strictly undercovered.

Straight to the point,
I am part of the 1% in the world.

As my way of pay-it-forward advocacy, I created this youtube channel only for affluents.

And if you’re not, please do unfollow.

I’m a multi-millionaire.
I’m a mentee of Warren Buffett.
I’m a turtle investor.
I’m using turtle strategy for years.

You know my famous story,
The Rabbit vs Turtle story,

I’m not the fastest,
I’m not the strongest,
I’m not the prettiest,
I’m not the King of the Jungle,

I’m the most accurate,
I’m the most patient,
I’m the most discipline,
I never lose, I always win.

I invested millions for this expensive lessons learnt from my billionaire mentors through exclusive seminars, masterclasses, etc.

With my content, they’re expensive.
But this will be FREE of charge. #advocacy #payitforward

Ladies and Gentlemen,
And welcome to my channel.

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