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Snoop Dogg Arizona Bowl brings economic boost heading into New Year [Video]

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — As the college football bowl season builds momentum toward a brand new playoff, other competitions, like the Snoop Dogg Arizona Bowl, have their mind on money — and in turn, the benefits that brings, ‘on their mind.’

Bowl organizers estimate that hosting the game in Tucson will generate more than $100 million in tourism revenue; cash tourists spend on hotels, food and entertainment, they said, will go right back into the Southern Arizona community.

On top of that, bowl organizers are quick to remind others this game on Dec. 28 will be the only post-season event of its kind that will give 100% of net proceeds to non-profit organizations throughout Southern Arizona.

Arizona Bowl communications VP Eric Rhodes said the bowl game may be a not-for-profit venture, but Tucson businesses big and small will reap the rewards.

“We have five resorts that we pretty much sell out this week …

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