Startup Business

South Korea Gripped by Deepfake Porn Sex Crime Crisis [Video]

South Korea appears to be in the grip of a non-consensual deepfake porn crisis, and female show business stars are the main target of the rise in this form of online sex crime.

The startup Security Heroes found that of 95,820 sexually explicit deepfake videos analyzed, over half featured South Korean singers and actresses.

Deepfake porn crime complaints are the result of digitally manipulated videos or images in which a person’s likeness is superimposed onto sexually explicit content and shared online, without the person’s consent.

According to South Korea’s police agency, 297 cases of deepfake crimes of a sexual nature were reported in the first seven months of 2024. This was up 180 from 2023, and almost double the reported number in 2021. Of the 178 people charged in relation, 113 were teenagers, as per The Guardian.

Deepfake technology uses deep learning algorithms to create highly realistic but entirely fabricated depictions of individuals. Imagery is generated through a combination of artificial …

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