Venture Capital

Special NFL owners meeting is set for August 27, in Minnesota [Video]

It’s official. Be there, or be not part of the official quorum.

Per a source with knowledge of the situation, the NFL’s owners will meet on August 27 to vote on a rule allowing a portion of franchises to be sold to private equity firms.

Previously, the Commissioner had asked the owners to hold the date. The actual meeting hinged on the committee that has been considering the private equity issue coming up with a firm and final proposal.

Factors include the maximum percentage of a team that can be sold to private-equity firms (it’s expected to be 10 percent), whether one team can sell slivers to multiple firms, whether one firm can own pieces of multiple teams, and whether teams will be able to buy back the percentages of the franchise that have been sold to private-equity firms.

While potential tweaks to the kickoff rule aren’t officially on the …

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