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Stephan February talks token protocols and scaling Bitcoin [Video]

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BSV developer Stephan February joined the CoinGeek Weekly Livestream this week to talk about developing tools for Bitcoin, his token protocol, scaling Bitcoin, and more.

Stephan February’s Bitcoin story

February lives in Singapore, where he runs TwoStack.org, among other things. He tells Wuckert he went there on a work assignment in the 90s, met a girl, and decided to stay.

First hearing about Bitcoin before there was even a price, February dismissed it as another peer-to-peer technology that would likely fail. He started looking deeper into it a few years later, in 2012 and remembers buying a drink with it back when it was still used as peer-to-peer electronic cash.

However, he was put off developing on it by all the restrictions being introduced, and it wasn’t until the Bitcoin Cash splitin 2017 that he really got back into it. …

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