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Typical IT salary now 23,000 higher than average pay [Video]

The average salary in the IT sector last year was €23,000 higher than the mean average gross salary, jobs platform IrishJobs has found.

IT had the highest average salary of any sector in 2024 at €69,050 ahead of construction (€63,502), finance (€63,165), engineering (€59,808) and legal (€56,232).

Professionals working in cleaning related occupations (€27,719) earned the lowest average salary, followed by catering (€31,322) and security (€33,629).

Full-time employees in Ireland earned a mean gross salary of €46,791, a difference of €22,959 with the highest-earning economic sector.

Ireland compares positively with the UK (£35,648 or €42,377) and Germany (€45,800), according to the analysis of salaries and benefits in the most commonly posted jobs undertaken by IrishJobs parent The Stepstone Group.

Dublin is the county with the highest annual average salary at €48,343, indicating its continued strength as a national hub for enterprise activity and highly skilled labour.

Limerick has the second-highest annual average salary (€46,011) powered …

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