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What is Hyperledger Fabric in Blockchain Development? [Video]

Startup Funding

In this article

  1. Hyperledger Fabric: What it is
  2. How Hyperledger Fabric benefits businesses in blockchain development
  3. The transaction workflow in Hyperledger Fabric networks
  4. Why using Hyperledger Fabric makes sense: Its advantages
  5. Where to use Hyperledger Fabric blockchain networks: The use cases
  6. Frequently Asked Questions on Hyperledger Fabric in blockchain development

There’s a growing demand for Hyperledger Fabric in blockchain development. This open-source blockchain framework fills important gaps. It has a distinct transaction workflow and advantages. Hyperledger Fabric has proven its mettle in several enterprise blockchain use cases.

Hyperledger Fabric: What it is

Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source framework to build enterprise blockchain networks. It helps businesses to build a private blockchain network with data privacy, scalability, resiliency, and flexibility. Hyperledger Fabric is a project from the Hyperledger Foundation.

Hyperledger Foundation: An industry organization hosted by the Linux Foundation

The Hyperledger Foundation, also known as the Hyperledger Consortium, is a non-profit industry organization. It conceptualizes, plans, and executes projects to make blockchain technology more useful for …

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