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What will happen with the petition calling for another general election, as nearly 2 million sign it? [Video]

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The petition has been fuelled by support from Elon Musk, who tweeted “wow” in response to the petition breaking the 200k target in six hours.

Michael Westwood is the individual behind the petition. He has called for “another general election” in protest of the Labour administration, saying that the government has “gone back on the promises they laid out in the lead up to the last election”.

Mr Westwood, a small business owner, was once well-known for owning the Waggon and Horses, the “cheapest pub” in the UK, where pints cost as little as £2.30.

He started the petition on October 31, a day after the Budget was presented.

“I think people have had enough, people have seen what’s happened over in America as well, and I think that’s had a knock-on effect that, actually, if people stand together and vote then we can make a change,” Mr Westwood told The Express.

Sir …

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