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Why women in their 30s and 40s step out of the labor force [Video]

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Women in their mid-30s to mid-40s make up about 46% of total employment, which means they are slightly less likely to work than men that age, according to a recent analysis by the Federal Reserve. Their employment rate is also slightly lower than women in their early 20s.

“This smaller share reflects the fact that, within marriages, mothers are still more likely than fathers to specialize in child care,” the Fed noted.

Despite making major strides in the workplace, as women approach their 40s, they are still more likely to take time out of the labor force or reduce the number of hours worked because of caretaking responsibilities, according to the Pew Research Center.

This also results in fewer opportunities for advancement and lower pay — often referred to as the “motherhood penalty.”

Women are achieving increasing …

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