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Bug-proof your home with these gadgets we found online [Video]

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Bugs. They’re tiny, pesky invaders that can turn your sanctuary into a battlefield. From ants marching through your kitchen to spiders lurking in the corners, dealing with household pests is a universal challenge. Above video: Bed bugs gave spread far beyond the hotel roomFortunately, advancements in technology have provided us with an array of gadgets designed to help us reclaim our homes. Here are some innovative tools we found online to bug-proof your living space. RELATED: These outdoor string lights can actually repel mosquitos. Here’s how it worksCAN’T VIEW THE BELOW PRODUCTS? CLICK HERE.Chemical Free Bug FanBanish bugs from your airspace with this Amazon top-seller. Bugs won’t fly near the Treva bug deterrent fan, giving you peace indoors and out. The holographic pattern on the blades bends the light while spinning, creating an unnatural environment that insects will refuse to fly anywhere near.Just switch the fan on and get ready …

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