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Handling A Data Breach Under GDPR Regulations: A Guide to Compliance and Best Practices [Video]

Company Formation

In today’s digital landscape, data breaches are an unfortunate reality businesses must navigate, especially considering the stringent requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR has been instrumental in reshaping how organisations across the European Union handle data privacy, making data protection a legal requirement and not just an IT concern. As data breaches continue to pose significant risks, companies must understand how to manage them effectively under GDPR to safeguard the rights and freedoms of individuals.

The GDPR mandates that data controllers and processors take necessary measures to prevent, detect, and respond to data breaches. A data breach under GDPR refers to any incident that results in the unlawful or accidental destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to personal data. This can range from cyberattacks to simply misplacing a USB stick containing personal data. When such an incident occurs, organisations must act expeditiously to assess …

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