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Identity stolen? Do this right now [Video]

Starting a Business

The Federal Trade Commission says it’s received nearly 270,000 reports of identity theft so far in 2024. So, what should you do if your identity is stolen?That’s what our viewer Jill wanted to know. She emailed Rossen Reports asking, “I have a friend who recently learned that someone else was using her Social Security Number. She’s getting the runaround on the steps that she needs to do… What do you do if your identity is stolen? Are there any services where you can pay monthly or lump sum to advise you on what to do when your identity is stolen?”First, time is of the essence when your identity is stolen. Start by calling the places where your accounts were compromised. Explain that someone stole your identity, dispute any fraudulent charges, and ask them to close or freeze the account. Then, start changing your passwords and enabling multi-factor authentication whenever possible …

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