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Local business impacted by flooding [Video]

Starting a Business

WICHITA FALLS, Texas (KAUZ) – A local business in need of help after a clogged drainage pipe caused their building to suffer extensive flooding.

CrashWorks Steam Studio & Makerspace is all about creating a fun experience in crafts and learning about science, technology, arts and math for kids.

Just over a week ago they had to spend hours trying to get water out of their studio.

They were hit hard after finally starting to get back on their feet, and lost countless supplies they need.

“We still don’t have a total for materials lost. You know, one of the great things about CrashWorks is that we used recycled materials, and so a lot of those things were donated by the community, but we have to stockpile those things in order to have camps and field trips and things. So now we’re looking at, that those thing have to get replaced …

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