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Pearland high school senior Princess Jackson runs non-profit Sock Out Poverty [Video]

Starting a Business

HOUSTON, Texas — A high school senior from Pearland, TX, is proving that youre never too young to make a difference.

Princess Jackson first started her non-profit, Sock Out Poverty, when she was just ten years old. Now, eight years later, she has traveled the country, visiting dozens of homeless shelters and giving away over 15,000 pairs of socks.

She was first inspired to start her non-profit after volunteering with her mom at Loaves & Fishes, a soup kitchen in downtown Houston. Socks are the most often overlooked but most needed personal item.

I see the homeless with blankets, cardboard and shoes with holes in them, but they didnt have socks to keep them warm, said Princess. I really wanted to give back to my community by giving out socks.

Over the past few years, Sock Out Poverty has received major donations from Wal-Mart, Sams Club and the Floyd Mayweather Foundation.

To learn more about Princess’ mission, visit sockoutpoverty.org.

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