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PODCAST #63 Business StartUP The Leadership Factor [Video]

Marketing a Startup

PODCAST #63 Business StartUP The Leadership Factor

#businessgrwoth, #businessstartups, #businesscoach, #leadership, #leadershipskills,, #leadershipcoaching.

This podcast discusses six key leadership qualities businesspeople need to start and eventually run their businesses. They include: include:
Leading with vision,
Possessing a passion for their business.
Engaging others
Having confidence and courage
Surrounding themselves with talented people
Being comfortable with ambiguity and change
The podcast ends with seven questions for self-reflection.

With my approach to business startups and running a business, you will learn more about yourself than the technical aspects of your business. While the technical aspects are important, more importantly, you need to know where you stand before jumping into the business of business.

eBook: So You Want to Start a Business https://bit.ly/3kXIxeG
Workbook: Business Planning: https://bit.ly/40ua6MU
Affiliate Marketing With Richard: https://bit.ly/4afBhjA
Bizwoli: https://bit.ly/3YripHD
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3uPyvSa

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