How Desire Paths can Transform your Digital Marketing
How Desire Paths can Transform your Digital Marketing
12 Steps to Create Videos

You, too, can be an ‘influencer’ [Video]

Starting a Business

I once asked a teenager what he wanted to be.

“An influencer,” he replied.

An influencer? That’s not a job, I scoffed.

“Go online,” he said. “They’re everywhere and they make big bucks.”

Darn if he wasn’t right. Some of the most boring, infantile, whiny people have channels where they basically go on vacation, wear gifted clothes and act like they’re entitled. In exchange, their YouTube channels kick back money for the number of views they get.

One, I was told, cleared $6 million last year and all he did was show himself working out and wearing expensive clothes. Sure, he was shirtless a lot but there was no skill to this. He wasn’t even good at speaking on camera. He fumbled words (don’t they do retakes?), begged for followers and talked about what a tough day he had coming up: He was going to audition for a movie role.

So, in essence, these people make big money sitting around their homes …

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