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🌟 Founders and Leadership [Video]

Startup Funding

🌟 Founders and Leadership

🌟 Leadership is not about the title or the corner office; it’s about shaping a vision and guiding a team to success.
As founders, we often conceive leadership as a position of power. Popular culture amplifies this notion with imagery of commanding figures and authoritative decision-makers. But the essence of true leadership, especially in the tumultuous journey of starting and growing a company, is far from this portrayal.
In my latest short, I discuss the transition every founder must undergo: from idea generator to team leader. Leadership is about servant leadership – removing barriers for your team, facilitating their success, and always keeping the broader vision in sight.
If you’re a founder, or aspire to be one, understanding this shift is crucial.
There’s more to building a startup than fundraising. Most of my best advice falls under Founder Insights, which you can find here:
#Leadership #StartupFounder #ServantLeadership #FeelTheBoot

Lance Cottrell has been an active startup advisor and startup mentor for over a decade.
He has helped countless startups navigate the key decisions of their journey, like when to take venture capital investment and negotiating term sheets.
He works with many companies in accelerators like Y Combinator and Founder Institute.
He provides help with startup funding including raising venture capital and angel investment.
He can help you achieve liquidity for your company at a high valuation.
Feel the Boot is a startup vlog of tips and advice for early-stage founders.

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